Generation recirculation: The tiny RAS with massive impact potential
the fish site

SEAWATER Cubes have developed a unique RAS designed to produce nearly 8 tonnes of fish from units made from four shipping containers and has recently moved from the pilot to commercial phase.
The German startup was co-founded by two former engineers from Europe’s first large-scale RAS – Meeresfischzucht Völklingen (currently called The Infinite Sea Company) – Kai Wagner and Christian Steinbach, alongside business administration specialist Carolin Ackermann. The trio believed that they could design a more efficient and affordable RAS design and they proceeded to draw up a business plan sufficiently impressive to secure €1.5 million in funding from the German Ministry of Economics.
Interessiert an regionaler und nachhaltiger Aquakultur?
Erfahre mehr über den SEAWATER Cube und die innovativen Zuchtmöglichkeiten von frischem Meeresfisch fernab der Küste.