Female Founder Series: Carolin Ackermann


In the Fema­le Foun­ders series, We are Aquacul­tu­re is fol­lo­wing the sto­ries of inspi­ring women who have foun­ded start-ups in the blue food and aquacul­tu­re space. 

The latest Fema­le Foun­der in the series is Caro­lin Acker­mann of SEAWATER Cubes, a RAS con­tai­ner farm manu­fac­tu­rer from Saar­brü­cken in Ger­ma­ny. In this inter­view, Caro­lin tells about her inspi­ra­ti­on as CEO, and her visi­on for the future of land-based aquaculture.


SEAWATER Cubes mar­kets a ful­ly auto­ma­ted con­tai­ner farm for onshore far­ming of mari­ne fish. Cus­to­mers are main­ly far­mers who want to estab­lish a sus­tainable busi­ness branch with fish cul­ti­va­ti­on. In addi­ti­on to sel­ling com­ple­te sys­tems, the com­pa­ny offers com­pon­ents for bio­fil­tra­ti­on and con­ducts rese­arch on inno­va­tions in aquaculture. 

What’s your company’s mission and vision? 

Our visi­on is sea­food secu­ri­ty for the gro­wing popu­la­ti­on. The­r­e­fo­re, we empower new eco­no­my far­mers to estab­lish de-cen­tra­li­sed and cir­cu­lar sys­tems for on-land far­ming of clean and healt­hy mari­ne fish.


What inspires you personally in your work? 

For me, in 2017, the pen­ny drop­ped: Frank­furt Air­port is the lar­gest fish port in Ger­ma­ny. Sin­ce then, I’ve been con­cer­ned with the ori­gin of food. I ques­tio­ned our con­sump­ti­on beha­viour, and I lear­ned how important inde­pen­dence of food sup­p­ly and envi­ron­men­tal com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty are.

Today, I lead a team of 12 and have acqui­red €2.5 mil­li­on in fede­ral fun­ding with my co-foun­ders to deve­lop onshore mari­ne fish far­ming. I’m brea­king new ground and brin­ging our tech­no­lo­gy to the mar­ket. In my dai­ly work, I am inspi­red by other suc­cessful peo­p­le who share their sto­ries and lear­nings on con­fe­ren­ces and in podcasts.


What’s unique about your company? 

What’s uni­que about SEAWATER Cubes is that we look at aquacul­tu­re from an engi­nee­ring point of view and ther­eby deve­lop our pro­duct in a way that ser­ves the envi­ron­ment and the peo­p­le who ope­ra­te it. Bes­i­des, we are con­vin­ced that decen­tra­li­zed, small-sca­le farms are the future of fish supply.


What opportunities do you see for the aquaculture and seafood industries in the coming years? 

I see huge oppor­tu­ni­ties for the deve­lo­p­ment of the indus­try, as sea­food alre­a­dy covers 20% of the pro­te­in we eat, and its con­sump­ti­on will fur­ther grow.

In my opi­ni­on, recir­cu­la­ting aquacul­tu­re sys­tems are the tech­no­lo­gy of the future, as water will beco­me a scar­ce resour­ce in many count­ries. Alre­a­dy today, ground­wa­ter levels, even in Euro­pe, are threa­ten­ed due to cli­ma­te change.

Hence, recir­cu­la­ting aquacul­tu­re farms need to be as resour­ce effi­ci­ent as pos­si­ble and be inte­gra­ted into other sys­tems such as bio­gas, plant or insect farming.

Interessiert an regionaler und nachhaltiger Aquakultur?

Erfah­re mehr über den SEAWATER Cube und die inno­va­ti­ven Zucht­mög­lich­kei­ten von fri­schem Mee­res­fisch fern­ab der Küste.