Generation recirculation: The tiny RAS with massive impact potential

the fish site

SEAWATER Cubes have deve­lo­ped a uni­que RAS desi­gned to pro­du­ce near­ly 8 ton­nes of fish from units made from four ship­ping con­tai­ners and has recent­ly moved from the pilot to com­mer­cial phase.

The Ger­man start­up was co-foun­ded by two for­mer engi­neers from Europe’s first lar­ge-sca­le RAS – Mee­res­fisch­zucht Völk­lin­gen (curr­ent­ly cal­led The Infi­ni­te Sea Com­pa­ny) – Kai Wag­ner and Chris­ti­an Stein­bach, along­side busi­ness admi­nis­tra­ti­on spe­cia­list Caro­lin Acker­mann. The trio belie­ved that they could design a more effi­ci­ent and afforda­ble RAS design and they pro­cee­ded to draw up a busi­ness plan suf­fi­ci­ent­ly impres­si­ve to secu­re €1.5 mil­li­on in fun­ding from the Ger­man Minis­try of Economics.


Interessiert an regionaler und nachhaltiger Aquakultur?

Erfah­re mehr über den SEAWATER Cube und die inno­va­ti­ven Zucht­mög­lich­kei­ten von fri­schem Mee­res­fisch fern­ab der Küste.