Cost-effective oxygen introduction

Learn more about the topics of drift and oxy­gen in a per­so­nal conversation.

Flow Pump

In fish far­ming the sup­p­ly of suf­fi­ci­ent oxy­gen to the stocks plays an important role. This has many posi­ti­ve effects on the stocks and pro­fi­ta­bi­li­ty of an aquacul­tu­re faci­li­ty. With our flow pump, oxy­gen-rich ambi­ent air and optio­nal­ly tech­ni­cal oxy­gen can be intro­du­ced very effi­ci­ent­ly into the water by using the Ven­tu­ri effect. In addi­ti­on, our flow pump gene­ra­tes a tar­ge­ted move­ment of the water in the tank. The oxy­gen is intro­du­ced as nee­ded to pro­mo­te the health, growth and well-being of the ani­mals and pre­vent stress, espe­ci­al­ly in times of hig­her oxy­gen con­sump­ti­on such as during fee­ding. At the same time the tar­ge­ted cur­rent sup­ports the swim­ming beha­vi­or of the ani­mals and faci­li­ta­tes the par­tic­le trans­port to the fil­ters by con­stant water movement.

The requi­red num­ber of flow pumps depends on the pool size, the sto­cking den­si­ty and the asso­cia­ted dai­ly feed input. From this it can be deter­mi­ned how much oxy­gen is requi­red in the sys­tem. Our stan­dard pro­duct is sui­ta­ble for the fine-bubble intro­duc­tion of oxy­gen into tanks with a water volu­me of up to 15 m³ and a feed load of 7.5 kg per day (assum­ing a sui­ta­ble source of oxy­gen is available). We would also be plea­sed to work out a tail­or-made con­cept for you.

Venturi effect

In order to achie­ve a very effi­ci­ent intro­duc­tion of air and/or oxy­gen into the water, we use a Ven­tu­ri nozz­le. The water is first pum­ped into the nozz­le. A con­stric­tion insi­de the nozz­le chan­ges the pres­su­re con­di­ti­ons and the water flow acce­le­ra­tes. This crea­tes a nega­ti­ve pres­su­re which can be used to suck in a medi­um through a sepa­ra­te ope­ning in the nozz­le. In the case of our Ven­tu­ri injec­tor, this is eit­her ambi­ent air with the oxy­gen it con­ta­ins or tech­ni­cal oxy­gen. The gas sucked in is dis­tri­bu­ted par­ti­cu­lar­ly fine­ly in the water stream when it is blown out. Due to the high out­let velo­ci­ty of the water, the trans­por­ted gas bubbles trans­por­ted tra­vel a long distance in the water. This gives the oxy­gen suf­fi­ci­ent time to dis­sol­ve com­ple­te­ly in the water and to be available to the fish. Flow pumps with Ven­tu­ri nozz­les are one of the best methods of intro­du­cing oxy­gen into an aqua­ri­um at low cost.


Suf­fi­ci­ent move­ment of water in an aquacul­tu­re faci­li­ty is very important for two reasons. On the one hand the move­ment sup­ports the swim­ming beha­viour of the fish. On the other hand, in (par­ti­al­ly) clo­sed aquacul­tu­re sys­tems, the par­tic­les that are intro­du­ced by the feed or excre­ments of the ani­mals, for exam­p­le, must be con­stant­ly remo­ved from the water. Mecha­ni­cal sie­ve fil­ters such as the drum fil­ter are usual­ly used for this pur­po­se. In order for this fil­ter to be able to remo­ve the par­tic­les, they must not sedi­ment before­hand and sett­le on the bot­tom of the pool. The par­tic­les must the­r­e­fo­re be kept in sus­pen­si­on by move­ment in the water and thus trans­por­ted to the cor­re­spon­ding fil­ters. This visi­bly impro­ves the water quality.

Oxygen introduction needed?

We would be glad to send you fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on about our flow pump.