

Securing biological marine diversity with innovative aquaculture

Securing biological marine diversity with innovative aquaculture

Facing the major chal­lenges of envi­ron­men­tal degra­da­ti­on and cli­ma­te chan­ge, the EU has set a road­map for an envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly and resour­ce effi­ci­ent future with its Green Deal. In our blog post we pro­vi­de a detail­ed over­view of the „EU Bio­di­ver­si­ty Stra­tegy 2030“ goals and how our con­cept helps to achie­ve them.

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Local is the new organic

Local is the new organic

The varie­ty and quan­ti­ties of food in Euro­pe can hard­ly be sur­pas­sed. We live in abun­dance and all the nee­ded goods are available at any time and in many dif­fe­rent varia­ti­ons. But what is actual­ly behind the­se count­less pro­ducts, whe­re are they pro­du­ced and is the­re any relia­ble indi­ca­tor for good quality? 

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Urban Farming as the most environmentally friendly method of food production

Urban Farming as the most environmentally friendly method of food production

Living in the city and at the same time shop­ping for regio­nal, fresh pro­ducts within wal­king distance: That sounds like an ide­al that would have a las­ting posi­ti­ve effect on our envi­ron­ment. This type of food sup­p­ly is still lar­ge­ly a long way off, but the­re are alre­a­dy some exci­ting and rea­li­stic con­cepts. „Urban far­ming“ is the gene­ric term for the pri­ma­ry food pro­duc­tion in urban are­as or the neigh­bor­ing regi­on, in simp­le terms it means agri­cul­tu­re in the city. In the new blog post, we high­ligh­ted both chal­lenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of spe­ci­fic urban far­ming projects.

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Digitalization of agriculture

Digitalization of agriculture

Die Digi­ta­li­sie­rung ist eine der bedeu­tends­ten Ent­wick­lun­gen des 21. Jahr­hun­derts und hat die Land­wirt­schaft in den letz­ten Jah­ren revo­lu­tio­niert. Auch der Beruf des Land­wirts hat sich dadurch extrem gewan­delt. Wir wer­fen in unse­rem Blog­bei­trag einen Blick auf aktu­el­le digi­ta­le Lösun­gen und zukünf­ti­ge Entwicklungen.

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The development of agriculture

The development of agriculture

Agri­cul­tu­re has chan­ged a lot in recent years. The reasons for this are dif­fe­rent aspects, which we would like to focus on in the fol­lo­wing. Whe­re­as in the past many, regio­nal pro­ducts were purcha­sed in farm stores and spe­cial­ty stores, today’s purcha­sing beha­vi­or is…

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