Aquaponics – Coupled cycles of fish and plants
How can we enable sustainable agriculture? One innovative approach is Aquaponics, which we will explain in more detail in our blog post. We will also give information regarding the construction of these systems.
Securing biological marine diversity with innovative aquaculture
Facing the major challenges of environmental degradation and climate change, the EU has set a roadmap for an environmentally friendly and resource efficient future with its Green Deal. In our blog post we provide a detailed overview of the „EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030“ goals and how our concept helps to achieve them.
Regional sea fish – from the tank to the table
With the Green Deal, the EU has decided on its roadmap to meet major challenges such as environmental degradation and climate change in the coming decades. We explain the goals of the from “farm to fork” strategy of the Green Deal and how we can achieve them with the SEAWATER Cube.
The „Green Deal“ as a new growth strategy for Europe
Environmental degradation and climate change are the major challenges of the 21st century. A new growth strategy is demanded with the aim at a modern and resource-efficient economy. A promising roadmap for the future should be the European Green Deal.
Local is the new organic
The variety and quantities of food in Europe can hardly be surpassed. We live in abundance and all the needed goods are available at any time and in many different variations. But what is actually behind these countless products, where are they produced and is there any reliable indicator for good quality?
Urban Farming as the most environmentally friendly method of food production
Living in the city and at the same time shopping for regional, fresh products within walking distance: That sounds like an ideal that would have a lasting positive effect on our environment. This type of food supply is still largely a long way off, but there are already some exciting and realistic concepts. „Urban farming“ is the generic term for the primary food production in urban areas or the neighboring region, in simple terms it means agriculture in the city. In the new blog post, we highlighted both challenges and opportunities for the implementation of specific urban farming projects.
Digitalization of agriculture
Die Digitalisierung ist eine der bedeutendsten Entwicklungen des 21. Jahrhunderts und hat die Landwirtschaft in den letzten Jahren revolutioniert. Auch der Beruf des Landwirts hat sich dadurch extrem gewandelt. Wir werfen in unserem Blogbeitrag einen Blick auf aktuelle digitale Lösungen und zukünftige Entwicklungen.
The development of agriculture
Agriculture has changed a lot in recent years. The reasons for this are different aspects, which we would like to focus on in the following. Whereas in the past many, regional products were purchased in farm stores and specialty stores, today’s purchasing behavior is…