by Anika Hümbert | Jan 5, 2021 | Allgemein, Technology
Protein skimmers in recirculation systems EffecÂtiÂve water treÂatÂment in aquaculÂtuÂre canÂnot do without the work of bacÂteÂria, becauÂse in speÂcialÂly built bioÂfilÂters they often conÂvert toxic excreÂments of the fish into aniÂmal and enviÂronÂmentÂalÂly...
by Anika Hümbert | Jan 5, 2021 | Allgemein, Technology
First step in water treatment: The drum filter ​Almost everÂyoÂne has done this at least once in their own four walls: For exampÂle, you use a sieÂve and water and simÂply rinÂse the dirt away, leaÂving only the clean salad at the end. This is a type of mechaÂniÂcal...
by Anika Hümbert | Jan 5, 2021 | Allgemein, Technology
Automation of fish farming systems The topic of autoÂmaÂtiÂon is becoÂmÂing more and more important, espeÂcialÂly in today’s world. EspeÂcialÂly in indusÂtry, wheÂre high proÂducÂtiÂviÂty is always the goal and proÂcesÂses are increÂaÂsingly digiÂtaÂliÂzed (IndusÂtry...
by Anika Hümbert | Dec 9, 2020 | Technology
Efficient oxygen input by flow pump ​Each speÂciÂes of fish has its own preÂfeÂrenÂces for perÂfect flow conÂdiÂtiÂons: some fish speÂciÂes preÂfer perÂmaÂnent curÂrÂents and „surf“ in them, others only move to spawn in curÂrÂents and others preÂfer to live in...
by Anika Hümbert | Dec 8, 2020 | Allgemein, Technology
Sedimentation in detail The sediÂmenÂtaÂtiÂon is a comÂpoÂnent of the water filÂtraÂtiÂon in our recirÂcuÂlaÂtiÂon sysÂtem. But what exactÂly is it responÂsiÂble for and how does it work? In the folÂlowing artiÂcle we will expÂlain the comÂpoÂnent in more detail. The...
by Anika Hümbert | Dec 8, 2020 | Technology
Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) The culÂtiÂvaÂtiÂon of fish on land has been greatÂly optiÂmiÂzed over the past cenÂtuÂries. In parÂtiÂcuÂlar, the cloÂsed recirÂcuÂlaÂting aquaculÂtuÂre sysÂtem (RAS) has now estabÂlisÂhed itsÂelf alongÂside traÂdiÂtioÂnal...
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