by Anika Hümbert | Sep 20, 2021 | Agriculture, Allgemein
Aquaponics – Coupled cycles of fish and plants It is well known by now that susÂtainaÂbiÂliÂty in agriÂculÂtuÂre has not always been ideÂal in recent decaÂdes. TheÂre are obvious proÂblems regarÂding water and land requiÂreÂments, which are parÂtiÂcuÂlarÂly eviÂdent...
by Anika Hümbert | Sep 13, 2021 | Agriculture, Allgemein
Securing biological marine diversity with innovative aquaculture Facing the major chalÂlenÂges of enviÂronÂmenÂtal degraÂdatiÂon and cliÂmaÂte chanÂge, the EU has set a roadÂmap for an enviÂronÂmentÂalÂly friendÂly and resourÂce effiÂciÂent future with its Green Deal...
by Anika Hümbert | Jun 16, 2021 | Agriculture, Allgemein
Regional sea fish – from the tank to the table In view of the major chalÂlenÂges of enviÂronÂmenÂtal degraÂdatiÂon and cliÂmaÂte chanÂge, a roadÂmap with the aim of a modern and a resourÂce-effiÂciÂent future is requiÂred for the comÂing decaÂdes. The...
by Anika Hümbert | Jun 7, 2021 | Agriculture, Allgemein
The „Green Deal“ as a new growth strategy for Europe EnviÂronÂmenÂtal degraÂdatiÂon and cliÂmaÂte chanÂge are the major chalÂlenÂges of the 21st cenÂtuÂry and obtain an exisÂtenÂtiÂal threÂat to EuroÂpe and the world. A new growth straÂteÂgy is demanÂded with the aim...
by Anika Hümbert | May 4, 2021 | Agriculture, Allgemein
Local is the new organic The varieÂty and quanÂtiÂties of food in EuroÂpe can hardÂly be surÂpasÂsed. We live in abundance and all the neeÂded goods are availÂabÂle at any time and in many difÂfeÂrent variaÂtiÂons. But what is actualÂly behind theÂse countÂless...
by Anika Hümbert | Jan 5, 2021 | Agriculture, Allgemein
Urban Farming as the most environmentally friendly method of food production Living in the city and at the same time shop for regioÂnal, fresh proÂducts witÂhin walÂking distance: That sounds like an ideÂal that would have a lasÂting posiÂtiÂve effect on our...
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