Protein skimmers in recirculation systems

Protein skimmers in recirculation systems

Protein skimmers in recirculation systems Effec­ti­ve water tre­at­ment in aquacul­tu­re can­not do without the work of bac­te­ria, becau­se in spe­cial­ly built bio­fil­ters they often con­vert toxic excre­ments of the fish into ani­mal and envi­ron­ment­al­ly...


Microplastics Micro­plastics are ever­y­whe­re – in the sea, in the air, in cos­me­tic pro­ducts. The small plastic par­ti­cles have beco­me an inte­gral part of our envi­ron­ment. Accord­ing to sci­en­tists and rese­ar­chers, the­re are vir­tual­ly no more...
Climate change

Climate change

Climate change Cli­ma­te chan­ge is cur­r­ent­ly the most dis­cus­sed topic in socie­ty and is beco­m­ing incre­a­singly important for most peop­le. How explo­si­ve the cli­ma­te cri­sis real­ly is, is also made clear in count­less press and media reports. We have...
Quality seals and certificates

Quality seals and certificates

Quality seals and certificates In order to make the right choices from the wide ran­ge of pro­ducts offe­red by various manu­fac­tu­rers and brands when shop­ping for food, many con­su­mers use seals and cer­ti­fi­ca­tes as a gui­de. The­se were ori­gi­nal­ly crea­ted...