by Anika Hümbert | Jan 5, 2021 | Allgemein, Technology
Protein skimmers in recirculation systems EffecÂtiÂve water treÂatÂment in aquaculÂtuÂre canÂnot do without the work of bacÂteÂria, becauÂse in speÂcialÂly built bioÂfilÂters they often conÂvert toxic excreÂments of the fish into aniÂmal and enviÂronÂmentÂalÂly...
by Anika Hümbert | Jan 5, 2021 | Allgemein, Nutrition
Microplastics MicroÂplastics are everÂyÂwheÂre – in the sea, in the air, in cosÂmeÂtic proÂducts. The small plastic parÂtiÂcles have becoÂme an inteÂgral part of our enviÂronÂment. AccordÂing to sciÂenÂtists and reseÂarÂchers, theÂre are virÂtualÂly no more...
by Anika Hümbert | Jan 5, 2021 | Agriculture, Allgemein
Urban Farming as the most environmentally friendly method of food production Living in the city and at the same time shop for regioÂnal, fresh proÂducts witÂhin walÂking distance: That sounds like an ideÂal that would have a lasÂting posiÂtiÂve effect on our...
by Anika Hümbert | Jan 5, 2021 | Nutrition
Climate change CliÂmaÂte chanÂge is curÂrÂentÂly the most disÂcusÂsed topic in socieÂty and is becoÂmÂing increÂaÂsingly important for most peopÂle. How exploÂsiÂve the cliÂmaÂte criÂsis realÂly is, is also made clear in countÂless press and media reports. We have...
by Anika Hümbert | Jan 5, 2021 | Nutrition
Quality seals and certificates In order to make the right choices from the wide ranÂge of proÂducts offeÂred by various manuÂfacÂtuÂrers and brands when shopÂping for food, many conÂsuÂmers use seals and cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtes as a guiÂde. TheÂse were oriÂgiÂnalÂly creaÂted...
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