Fish as food product

SinÂce the beginÂning of time, fish is a typiÂcal food in coasÂtal areÂas. As fish is relaÂtively easy to catch, its high-quaÂliÂty proÂteÂins conÂtriÂbuÂting essenÂtiÂalÂly to a healtÂhy nutÂriÂtiÂon of humanÂkind. But this is not the only reason why fish is an belÂoved proÂduct. Here is a quick guiÂde to its oriÂgin and what you should pay attenÂtiÂon to.
Fish are aquaÂtic verÂteÂbraÂtes, who are not only caught offÂshore, but are also culÂtiÂvaÂted in net cages by the shore or on land in aquaculÂtures like ponds or RAS (recirÂcuÂlaÂting aquaculÂtuÂre sysÂtems). NorÂway is currÂentÂly the trailÂblaÂzer for proÂduÂcing salÂmon in the EuroÂpean UniÂon (EU), which is the most eaten fish in GerÂmaÂny. SalÂmon is also the third most eaten one in the EU, with only tuna and codÂfiÂsh exceeÂding it.
In averaÂge, a citiÂzen of the EU is conÂsumÂing more than 25kg (around 55lbs) fish per year. EspeÂciÂalÂly the countÂries PorÂtuÂgal, Spain, France and LuxemÂbourg are pushing this averaÂge ahigh. A PorÂtuÂgueÂse is staÂtisÂtiÂcalÂly eating the most fish and its proÂducts; by nearÂly 56kg per year, it is more than the douÂble of an averaÂge EU citiÂzen. Two thirds of the overÂall conÂsumpÂtiÂon are mariÂne fish, thus saltÂwaÂter fish. TheÂse are rich in iodÂiÂne, essenÂtiÂal unsaÂtuÂraÂted fatÂty acids as well as in a high conÂtent of vitÂamins A, B and D. EdiÂble fish likeÂwiÂse proÂviÂding important mineÂral nutÂriÂents and trace eleÂments. The main aspect though is the supÂpÂly of high-quaÂliÂty aniÂmal proÂteÂin. Fish metaÂboÂliÂze the feed betÂter than endoÂtherms like cattÂle or pigs and therÂeby are conÂverÂting it more effiÂciÂent into proÂteÂin. That is why they do not need as many natuÂral resourÂces and have a low proÂporÂtiÂon of conÂnecÂtiÂve tisÂsue, making them easier for humans to digest.
HoweÂver, also fish can have cerÂtain health risks, hence it should be conÂsuÂmed as fresh as posÂsiÂble or one to two days after defrosÂting. Fresh fish is priÂmaÂriÂly recoÂgnizable for not smelÂling unpÂleaÂsantÂly. A fishy smell is an indiÂcaÂtiÂon for the aniÂmal to be startÂing to denaÂtuÂre. This means, that microÂorÂgaÂnisms like bacÂteÂria have alreÂaÂdy begun to decomÂpoÂse the food and theÂrÂeÂfoÂre that the food has been dead for quite a while. BesÂiÂdes a non-exisÂtent smell, clear eyes and metalÂlic gloÂwing skin with firm scaÂles are more indiÂcaÂtors of freshÂness. KnoÂwing this, it is no surÂpriÂse, that fresh caught fish is mainÂly traded and eaten in coasÂtal areÂas. In indusÂtriÂal countÂries like GerÂmaÂny, fish is mostÂly available as froÂzen food or in preÂserÂved form, e. g. dried or salted.
A citiÂzen of the EU is currÂentÂly spenÂding a fourÂfold of money on meat (cattÂle, chiÂcken, etc.) than on fish. The reasons for this are the geneÂral preÂfeÂrence for meat plus the comÂpaÂraÂtively high selÂling priÂces of fish. TheÂse priÂces have risen within the last years, becauÂse of the tighÂtenÂed enviÂronÂmenÂtal meaÂsuÂres and the decliÂne of fish caught on the open seas. While in 2016 the retail rate of averaÂge food rose only about 0.8%, the priÂce of fish and its proÂducts increased about 3.3%.
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— world oceÂan review, Fisch und Mensch – NahÂrungsÂmitÂtel Fisch (‑2/fisch-und-mensch/nahrungsmittel-fisch/, aufÂgeÂruÂfen am 20. August 2018)
— MenÂke, N. in WELT: Fisch – die unterÂschätzÂte VitÂaminÂbomÂbe. 06.09.2011 (, aufÂgeÂruÂfen am 20. August 2018)
— Der EU-FischÂmarkt, AusÂgaÂbe 2017. EUMOFA
— FischÂwirtÂschaft – Daten und FakÂten 2017. Fisch-InforÂmaÂtiÂonsÂzenÂtrum e.V.
Image source
ColourÂbox – NPDStock