Nitrification and Denitrification

Nitrification and Denitrification

Nitrification and Denitrification In a recir­cu­la­ting aquacul­tu­re sys­tem, the­re are gene­ral­ly accu­mu­la­ting resi­du­es in the water through the animal’s excre­ti­on and through une­a­ten feed. One pos­si­bi­li­ty to keep the water of the faci­li­ty clean, is...
Aquaculture Recirculation Systems

Aquaculture Recirculation Systems

Aquaculture Recirculation Systems Bes­i­des tra­di­tio­nal aquacul­tu­ral cul­ti­va­ti­on methods like pond cul­tu­re, net cages and race­ways, the clo­sed sys­tem cal­led recir­cu­la­ting aquacul­tu­re sys­tem (abbr. RAS) has been estab­lis­hed more and more during...
Open Aquaculture Systems

Open Aquaculture Systems

Open Aquaculture Systems The aquacul­tu­ral indus­try is chan­ging. One of the many rea­sons is the quick­ly incre­a­sing demand of fish. The per capi­ta con­sump­ti­on has dou­bled wit­hin the last five deca­des. Tra­di­tio­nal aquacul­tu­re from over 3000 years ago...
Aquaculture figures

Aquaculture figures

Aquaculture figures The world popu­la­ti­on is gro­wing rapidly and wit­hin the next 30 years the­re will be 10 bil­li­on humans living on this earth. Due to the ten­ding acces­si­on of wealth, the­re will be more and more con­sump­ti­on of ani­mal pro­te­ins....
Aquaculture facts

Aquaculture facts

Aquaculture facts Aquacul­tu­re is com­pre­hen­ded as the bree­ding or cul­ti­va­ti­on of aqua­tic orga­nisms (ani­mals and/or plants), in which spe­ci­fic inter­ven­ti­ons during the upbrin­ging are being made. Such inter­ven­ti­ons are fee­ding, (re-)stocking the...