by Anika Hümbert | Nov 23, 2020 | Aquaculture
Nitrification and Denitrification In a recirÂcuÂlaÂting aquaculÂtuÂre sysÂtem, theÂre are geneÂralÂly accuÂmuÂlaÂting resiÂduÂes in the water through the animal’s excreÂtiÂon and through uneÂaÂten feed. One posÂsiÂbiÂliÂty to keep the water of the faciÂliÂty clean, is...
by Anika Hümbert | Nov 23, 2020 | Aquaculture
Aquaculture Recirculation Systems BesÂiÂdes traÂdiÂtioÂnal aquaculÂtuÂral culÂtiÂvaÂtiÂon methods like pond culÂtuÂre, net cages and raceÂways, the cloÂsed sysÂtem calÂled recirÂcuÂlaÂting aquaculÂtuÂre sysÂtem (abbr. RAS) has been estabÂlisÂhed more and more during...
by Anika Hümbert | Nov 23, 2020 | Aquaculture
Open Aquaculture Systems The aquaculÂtuÂral indusÂtry is chanÂging. One of the many reaÂsons is the quickÂly increÂaÂsing demand of fish. The per capiÂta conÂsumpÂtiÂon has douÂbled witÂhin the last five decaÂdes. TraÂdiÂtioÂnal aquaculÂtuÂre from over 3000 years ago...
by Anika Hümbert | Nov 16, 2020 | Aquaculture
Aquaculture figures The world popuÂlaÂtiÂon is groÂwing rapidly and witÂhin the next 30 years theÂre will be 10 bilÂliÂon humans living on this earth. Due to the tenÂding accesÂsiÂon of wealth, theÂre will be more and more conÂsumpÂtiÂon of aniÂmal proÂteÂins....
by Anika Hümbert | Nov 16, 2020 | Aquaculture
Aquaculture facts AquaculÂtuÂre is comÂpreÂhenÂded as the breeÂding or culÂtiÂvaÂtiÂon of aquaÂtic orgaÂnisms (aniÂmals and/or plants), in which speÂciÂfic interÂvenÂtiÂons during the upbrinÂging are being made. Such interÂvenÂtiÂons are feeÂding, (re-)stocking the...
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