by Anika Hümbert | Sep 27, 2021 | Allgemein, Aquaculture
Water temperature and fish welfare The water temÂpeÂraÂtuÂre in aquaculÂtuÂre sysÂtems has a major impact of fish welÂfaÂre. Fish are warm-blooÂded aniÂmals, which means that their body temÂpeÂraÂtuÂre is not conÂstant, but adapÂts to the enviÂronÂment. DepenÂding on...
by Anika Hümbert | Sep 21, 2021 | Allgemein, Aquaculture
Water temperature in recirculation systems Water temÂpeÂraÂtuÂre is an important paraÂmeÂter to conÂtrol in recirÂcuÂlaÂting sysÂtems. It has various effects on the water quaÂliÂty and the well-being of the aniÂmals. SinÂce fish are cold-blooÂded aniÂmals, their body...
by Anika Hümbert | Nov 24, 2020 | Allgemein, Aquaculture
Fish farming on land versus fish farming in the sea „Why are fish so indifÂfeÂrent to us?“ – this quesÂtiÂon is asked by reporÂter HanÂnes JaeÂniÂcke in the ZDF docuÂmenÂtaÂry „Im EinÂsatz für den Lachs“ (GerÂman). The report and its conÂtent have been the...
by Anika Hümbert | Nov 24, 2020 | Aquaculture
Protecting the oceans with sustainable fish farming The overÂfiÂshing of the world’s fish stocks has been an exploÂsiÂve topic for years, which many of us are alreaÂdy awaÂre of. The gloÂbal demand for fish is conÂstantÂly increÂaÂsing and, accordÂing to United...
by Anika Hümbert | Nov 24, 2020 | Aquaculture
Bacteria and active biofilms The diverÂsiÂty of bacÂteÂria in natuÂre can hardÂly be surÂpasÂsed. HoweÂver, they are so small that we canÂnot recoÂgniÂze them with our eyes. As inviÂsiÂble pathoÂgens they are very susÂpiÂcious to us humans. Only modern moleÂcuÂlar...
by Anika Hümbert | Nov 23, 2020 | Aquaculture
Fish feed in Aquaculture Many pet lovers and aquaÂrists know that the same appÂlies to aniÂmals: „You are what you eat“. TheÂreÂfoÂre, the food used in fish farÂming plays an important role in the end proÂduct that ends up on the consumer’s plaÂte. In recent years,...
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