

Fish farming on land versus fish farming in the sea

Fish farming on land versus fish farming in the sea

„Why are fish so indif­fe­rent to us?“ – This is the ques­ti­on asked by repor­ter Han­nes Jae­ni­cke in the ZDF docu­men­ta­ry “Im Ein­satz für den Lachs”. The docu­men­ta­ti­on shows the fatal con­se­quen­ces of fac­to­ry far­ming in so-cal­­led sal­mon farms in net cages for the natu­ral wild sal­mon stocks and the eco­sys­tem. In our blog post we show that aquacul­tu­re also works in an envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly way.

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Protecting the oceans with sustainable fish farming

Protecting the oceans with sustainable fish farming

The over­fi­shing of the world’s fish stocks has been an explo­si­ve topic for years, which many of us are alre­a­dy awa­re of. The glo­bal demand for fish is con­stant­ly incre­asing and, accor­ding to United Nati­ons figu­res, the world­wi­de per capi­ta fish con­sump­ti­on today is alre­a­dy over 20 kilo­grams. Around one third of fish stocks are at the limit, which in con­cre­te terms means that we are rob­bing our­sel­ves of the food­s­tuff „sea fish“ in the long term – pro­vi­ded that ever­y­thing con­ti­nues to run as it has done up to now.

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Bacteria and active biofilms

Bacteria and active biofilms

The diver­si­ty of bac­te­ria in natu­re can hard­ly be sur­pas­sed. Howe­ver, they are so small that we can­not reco­gni­ze them with our eyes. As invi­si­ble patho­gens they are very sus­pi­cious to us humans. Only modern mole­cu­lar bio­lo­gy has shown us that they are neces­sa­ry on the skin and in the intesti­nes to main­tain our health. But what role do bac­te­ria play in fish far­ming, espe­ci­al­ly in clo­sed aquacul­tu­re systems?

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Fish feed in Aquaculture

Fish feed in Aquaculture

Many pet lovers and aqua­rists know that the same appli­es to ani­mals: „You are what you eat“. The­r­e­fo­re, the food used in fish far­ming plays an important role in the end pro­duct that ends up on the consumer’s pla­te. At pre­sent manu­fac­tu­r­ers and users of fish feed are rethin­king their approach to envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly alter­na­ti­ves. Ther­eby, we deal in this blog post with the ques­ti­ons, which food fish need at all, how you can pay atten­ti­on to a balan­ced nut­ri­ti­on of the ani­mals and how you can pro­mo­te their health, well-being and growth.

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Nitrification and Denitrification

Nitrification and Denitrification

In a recir­cu­la­ting aquacul­tu­re sys­tem, the­re are gene­ral­ly accu­mu­la­ting resi­dues in the water through the animal’s excre­ti­on and through unea­ten feed. One pos­si­bi­li­ty to keep the water of the faci­li­ty clean, is to cla­ri­fy it with freshwa­ter. The goal is to exch­an­ge as less water as pos­si­ble. The SEAWATER Cube only exch­an­ges up to 1% of the water per day, other recir­cu­la­ting sys­tems nor­mal­ly exch­an­ge 10% of the dai­ly water. How exact­ly does our Cube mana­ges to add mere­ly such a small amount of freshwater?

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Aquaculture Recirculation Systems

Aquaculture Recirculation Systems

Bes­i­des tra­di­tio­nal aquacul­tu­ral cul­ti­va­ti­on methods like pond cul­tu­re, net cages and race­ways, the clo­sed sys­tem cal­led recir­cu­la­ting aquacul­tu­re sys­tem (abbr. RAS) has been estab­lished more and more during the last deca­des. This is the most modern and abo­ve all the most effi­ci­ent opti­on of all fish farms.

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Open Aquaculture Systems

Open Aquaculture Systems

The aquacul­tu­ral indus­try is chan­ging. One of the many reasons is the quick­ly incre­asing demand of fish. The per capi­ta con­sump­ti­on has dou­bled within the last five deca­des. Tra­di­tio­nal aquacul­tu­re from over 3000 years ago is not effi­ci­ent enough any­mo­re for providing…

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Aquaculture figures

Aquaculture figures

The world popu­la­ti­on is gro­wing rapidly and within the next 30 years the­re will be 10 bil­li­on humans living on this earth. Due to the ten­ding acces­si­on of wealth, the­re will be more and more con­sump­ti­on of ani­mal pro­te­ins. Addi­tio­nal­ly, the incre­asing urba­niza­ti­on of…

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Aquaculture facts

Aquaculture facts

Aquacul­tu­re is com­pre­hen­ded as the bree­ding or cul­ti­va­ti­on of aqua­tic orga­nisms (ani­mals and/or plants), in which spe­ci­fic inter­ven­ti­ons during the upbrin­ging are being made. Such inter­ven­ti­ons are fee­ding, (re-)stocking the spe­ci­men on a regu­lar basis and all further…

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