

About us

We are Caro­lin, Chris­ti­an and Kai and we have a gre­at visi­on: To estab­lish a decen­tra­li­zed sup­p­ly of fresh sea fish. We could­n’t be more dif­fe­rent pro­fes­sio­nal­ly. Caro­lin is the stra­te­gic brand lover in the team, Chris­ti­an is the ratio­nal pro­ject engi­neer and Kai is our aquacul­tu­re nerd. Tog­e­ther we share a pas­si­on for good food. But in the past we did­n’t real­ly give much thought to whe­re the food on our pla­te actual­ly came from. During our work as a sci­en­ti­fic employee in the aquacul­tu­re labo­ra­to­ry at htw saar, we came into cont­act with the sub­ject of fish. In rese­arch we have rea­li­zed that the natu­ral stocks of the seas can no lon­ger con­tri­bu­te to the fish sup­p­ly and that Frank­furt Air­port is the lar­gest fish port in Ger­ma­ny. In order to crea­te a sus­tainable alter­na­ti­ve for the future fish sup­p­ly, we deve­lo­ped the SEAWATER Cube.

Prototype FUNDED by EXIST

The idea for the SEAWATER Cube was born during a lar­ge num­ber of aquacul­tu­re pro­jects as part of our employ­ment at the uni­ver­si­ty. The­re we acqui­red exten­si­ve know­ledge about the bree­ding of fish in gene­ral and espe­ci­al­ly about high­ly tech­ni­cal, clo­sed recir­cu­la­ti­on aquacul­tu­re sys­tems. The expe­ri­ence we have gathe­red show­ed us how a fish farm must be desi­gned in order to run sta­b­ly, effi­ci­ent­ly and thus eco­no­mic­al­ly. The deve­lo­p­ment of our pro­to­ty­pe was fun­ded by the Exist rese­arch trans­fer bet­ween Octo­ber 2017 and Octo­ber 2020. The Exist rese­arch trans­fer is a pro­gram of the Fede­ral Minis­try for Eco­no­mic Affairs and Ener­gy and the Euro­pean Social Fund which pro­mo­tes par­ti­cu­lar­ly inno­va­ti­ve and ris­ky pro­duct ide­as with high a poten­ti­al and a high rese­arch demand at the same time.


of moving the industry

Shaping the future together

Behind every suc­cessful com­pa­ny the­re are peo­p­le who dri­ve the com­mon visi­on. Sin­ce our foun­da­ti­on, we have built up an expe­ri­en­ced team with know­ledge from a wide varie­ty of spe­cia­list are­as. We com­bi­ne busi­ness eco­no­mists, natu­ral sci­en­tists and engi­neers under one roof and are proud that we do not have any gen­der topics. We are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by cou­ra­ge, open­ness, down-to-earth­ness and our start­up men­ta­li­ty. We are working for a more sus­tainable world, becau­se it is up to our gene­ra­ti­on to take respon­si­bi­li­ty for the envi­ron­ment and eco­no­mic acti­vi­ty – so that future gene­ra­ti­ons can still bene­fit from our pla­net. For this reason we will break up well-estab­lished struc­tures in the fish indus­try and revo­lu­tio­ni­ze the way in which fish is pro­du­ced and consumed.

„Inno­va­ti­on is the abili­ty to see chan­ge as an oppor­tu­ni­ty, not a thre­at.“ (Ste­ve Jobs)

Our Supporters

On our way to deve­lo­ping a mar­ket-rea­dy pro­duct and buil­ding a suc­cessful com­pa­ny, we have recei­ved sup­port from many sides. We would like to thank all part­ners who have accom­pa­nied us or are still with us and who belie­ve in the rea­liza­ti­on of our visi­on of decen­tra­li­zed fish farming.