About us
We are CaroÂlin, ChrisÂtiÂan and Kai and we have a greÂat visiÂon: To estabÂlish a decenÂtraÂliÂzed supÂpÂly of fresh sea fish. We couldÂn’t be more difÂfeÂrent proÂfesÂsioÂnalÂly. CaroÂlin is the straÂteÂgic brand lover in the team, ChrisÂtiÂan is the ratioÂnal proÂject engiÂneer and Kai is our aquaculÂtuÂre nerd. TogÂeÂther we share a pasÂsiÂon for good food. But in the past we didÂn’t realÂly give much thought to wheÂre the food on our plaÂte actualÂly came from. During our work as a sciÂenÂtiÂfic employee in the aquaculÂtuÂre laboÂraÂtoÂry at htw saar, we came into contÂact with the subÂject of fish. In reseÂarch we have reaÂliÂzed that the natuÂral stocks of the seas can no lonÂger conÂtriÂbuÂte to the fish supÂpÂly and that FrankÂfurt AirÂport is the larÂgest fish port in GerÂmaÂny. In order to creaÂte a susÂtainable alterÂnaÂtiÂve for the future fish supÂpÂly, we deveÂloÂped the SEAWATER Cube.
Prototype FUNDED by EXIST
The idea for the SEAWATER Cube was born during a larÂge numÂber of aquaculÂtuÂre proÂjects as part of our employÂment at the uniÂverÂsiÂty. TheÂre we acquiÂred extenÂsiÂve knowÂledge about the breeÂding of fish in geneÂral and espeÂciÂalÂly about highÂly techÂniÂcal, cloÂsed recirÂcuÂlaÂtiÂon aquaculÂtuÂre sysÂtems. The expeÂriÂence we have gatheÂred showÂed us how a fish farm must be desiÂgned in order to run staÂbÂly, effiÂciÂentÂly and thus ecoÂnoÂmicÂalÂly. The deveÂloÂpÂment of our proÂtoÂtyÂpe was funÂded by the Exist reseÂarch transÂfer betÂween OctoÂber 2017 and OctoÂber 2020. The Exist reseÂarch transÂfer is a proÂgram of the FedeÂral MinisÂtry for EcoÂnoÂmic Affairs and EnerÂgy and the EuroÂpean Social Fund which proÂmoÂtes parÂtiÂcuÂlarÂly innoÂvaÂtiÂve and risÂky proÂduct ideÂas with high a potenÂtiÂal and a high reseÂarch demand at the same time.
Shaping the future together
Behind every sucÂcessful comÂpaÂny theÂre are peoÂpÂle who driÂve the comÂmon visiÂon. SinÂce our founÂdaÂtiÂon, we have built up an expeÂriÂenÂced team with knowÂledge from a wide varieÂty of speÂciaÂlist areÂas. We comÂbiÂne busiÂness ecoÂnoÂmists, natuÂral sciÂenÂtists and engiÂneers under one roof and are proud that we do not have any genÂder topics. We are chaÂracÂteÂriÂzed by couÂraÂge, openÂness, down-to-earthÂness and our startÂup menÂtaÂliÂty. We are working for a more susÂtainable world, becauÂse it is up to our geneÂraÂtiÂon to take responÂsiÂbiÂliÂty for the enviÂronÂment and ecoÂnoÂmic actiÂviÂty – so that future geneÂraÂtiÂons can still beneÂfit from our plaÂnet. For this reason we will break up well-estabÂlished strucÂtures in the fish indusÂtry and revoÂluÂtioÂniÂze the way in which fish is proÂduÂced and consumed.
„InnoÂvaÂtiÂon is the abiliÂty to see chanÂge as an opporÂtuÂniÂty, not a threÂat.“ (SteÂve Jobs)
Our Supporters
On our way to deveÂloÂping a marÂket-reaÂdy proÂduct and builÂding a sucÂcessful comÂpaÂny, we have receiÂved supÂport from many sides. We would like to thank all partÂners who have accomÂpaÂnied us or are still with us and who belieÂve in the reaÂlizaÂtiÂon of our visiÂon of decenÂtraÂliÂzed fish farming.