by Anika Hümbert | Jun 16, 2021 | Agriculture, Allgemein
Regional sea fish – from the tank to the table In view of the major chalÂlenÂges of enviÂronÂmenÂtal degraÂdatiÂon and cliÂmaÂte chanÂge, a roadÂmap with the aim of a modern and a resourÂce-effiÂciÂent future is requiÂred for the comÂing decaÂdes. The...
by Anika Hümbert | Jun 7, 2021 | Agriculture, Allgemein
The „Green Deal“ as a new growth strategy for Europe EnviÂronÂmenÂtal degraÂdatiÂon and cliÂmaÂte chanÂge are the major chalÂlenÂges of the 21st cenÂtuÂry and obtain an exisÂtenÂtiÂal threÂat to EuroÂpe and the world. A new growth straÂteÂgy is demanÂded with the aim...
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