Microbiology and technology of denitrification

Microbiology and technology of denitrification

Microbiology and technology of denitrification In clo­sed aquacul­tu­re – e.g. in sys­tems with a water exchan­ge of less than 10% per day – the use of deni­tri­fi­ca­ti­on is essen­ti­al (read more in our blog post Nitri­fi­ca­ti­on and Deni­tri­fi­ca­ti­on)....
Fish farming tank

Fish farming tank

Fish farming tank The cen­tral com­po­nent of an aquacul­tu­re faci­li­ty is the bea­ring tank. Its dimen­si­ons and capa­ci­ty influ­ence both which fish spe­ci­es can be held (body size, swim­ming beha­vi­or) and the annu­al pro­duc­tion volu­me (water volu­me,...
Fish farming on land versus fish farming in the sea

Fish farming on land versus fish farming in the sea

Fish farming on land versus fish farming in the sea „Why are fish so indif­fe­rent to us?“ – this ques­ti­on is asked by repor­ter Han­nes Jae­ni­cke in the ZDF docu­men­ta­ry „Im Ein­satz für den Lachs“ (Ger­man). The report and its con­tent have been the...
Protecting the oceans with sustainable fish farming

Protecting the oceans with sustainable fish farming

Protecting the oceans with sustainable fish farming The over­fi­shing of the world’s fish stocks has been an explo­si­ve topic for years, which many of us are alrea­dy awa­re of. The glo­bal demand for fish is con­stant­ly incre­a­sing and, accord­ing to United...
Bacteria and active biofilms

Bacteria and active biofilms

Bacteria and active biofilms The diver­si­ty of bac­te­ria in natu­re can hard­ly be sur­pas­sed. Howe­ver, they are so small that we can­not reco­gni­ze them with our eyes. As invi­si­ble patho­gens they are very sus­pi­cious to us humans. Only modern mole­cu­lar...