
makes the dreamwork


What belongs to a typi­cal start­up? Of cour­se a colourful team with dif­fe­rent facets and strengths and the plea­su­re of gro­wing tog­e­ther. SEAWATER Cubes employs engi­neers, busi­ness eco­no­mists and sci­en­tists. This results in the per­fect inter­play of tech­ni­cal and eco­no­mic com­pe­ten­ci­es. Ever­yo­ne will find their per­so­nal role with the best chan­ces for indi­vi­du­al deve­lo­p­ment. Our heart beats for inno­va­tions and high-qua­li­ty food.

Carolin Ackermann

Carolin Ackermann

CEO & Co-Founder

invol­ved sin­ce incep­ti­on 08 | 18

She is the bright, visio­na­ry and well-orga­ni­zed head of the team. Mar­ke­ting and busi­ness admi­nis­tra­ti­on are her exper­ti­se, brand buil­ding her pas­si­on. She nego­tia­tes skillful­ly and char­mingly, is respon­si­ble for kee­ping an eye on the big pic­tu­re and alig­ning all pro­ces­ses with the cus­to­mer. In her pri­va­te life she has a pre­fe­rence for good food, tra­vel­ling to the sea and skiing.

Christian Steinbach

Christian Steinbach

CTO & Co-Founder

invol­ved sin­ce incep­ti­on 08 | 18

Our ratio­nal and calm rock in the surf. His exper­ti­se lies in pro­cess engi­nee­ring. He takes over the manage­ment of deve­lo­p­ment and pro­duc­tion in the com­pa­ny and always ensu­res the hig­hest qua­li­ty. In his pri­va­te life, he enjoys tra­vel­ling to Asi­an count­ries and enjoy­ing culina­ry delights. He is also a gifted DIY enthu­si­ast and pas­sio­na­te cyclist.

Kai Wagner

Kai Wagner

Co-Foun­der & head of R&D

invol­ved sin­ce incep­ti­on 08 | 18

Our living ency­clo­pe­dia. He is well thought out in every respect and always has an eye for detail. As an elec­tri­cal engi­neer spe­cia­li­sing in auto­ma­ti­on, he rese­ar­ches and deve­lo­ps new solu­ti­ons and pro­ducts for us. As our fish whispe­rer, he also enjoys diving under water, rela­xing in well­ness oases and enjoy­ing the ups­ca­le gastronomy.

Prof. Dr. Uwe Waller

Prof. Dr. Uwe Waller

Men­tor und biologist

invol­ved sin­ce incep­ti­on 08 | 18

He is an expert in the fields of aquacul­tu­re and biopro­cess tech­no­lo­gy and sup­ports us with know­ledge and expe­ri­ence sin­ce our stu­dies. As an expert and con­sul­tant, he car­ri­es out inter­na­tio­nal pro­jects and has estab­lished a high­ly regard­ed rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment loca­ti­on in Ger­ma­ny. Born in Ber­lin, he enjoys the typi­cal “Cur­ry­wurst” as well as fish and likes to grow vege­ta­bles in his gar­den on the weekends.

Anika Braun

Anika Braun

Assistant Online Marketing

invol­ved sin­ce 12 | 18

With her expe­ri­ence in mar­ke­ting and event manage­ment, she sup­ports us on a part-time basis in buil­ding up our brand and always kee­ping our fan base up-to-date. We espe­ci­al­ly app­re­cia­te her crea­ti­ve ide­as and struc­tu­red way of working. After work she likes to clear her mind while jog­ging in the woods or working out in the gym and also enjoys good food.

Jan Häge

Jan Häge

Working stu­dent Research

invol­ved sin­ce 09 | 19

The trai­ned fish far­mer from Bava­ria has alre­a­dy built his own small aquacul­tu­re with carp and trout during his bachelor’s degree. He curr­ent­ly sup­ports us in the topic of fish bio­lo­gy and deve­lo­ps a slaugh­te­ring and pro­ces­sing solu­ti­on with us. In his youth he came into cont­act with fish while fishing with his father. Today he explo­res dif­fe­rent waters while diving. Bes­i­de this he plays rug­by and drums.

Jonas Meiser

Jonas Meiser

Working Stu­dent Media Design

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As a crea­ti­ve idea gene­ra­tor in our team, he has a spe­cial affi­ni­ty for tech­ni­cal equip­ment and a good sen­se for the right sta­ging. After his trai­ning as a media desi­gner, he is now per­fec­ting his skills at the HBK Saar Uni­ver­si­ty. In his free time, he loves to cook and pre­fers to shoot the right reci­pe video than to enjoy his food warm. He is also into music and has recent­ly been pur­suing his pas­si­on for ana­log photography.

Indra Hilcher

Indra Hilcher

Office Mana­ger

invol­ved sin­ce 01 | 22

As an order­ly list lover, she is the good soul in the team with an over­view on tur­bu­lent days. She takes care of our accoun­ting, keeps the foun­ders‘ backs free and recei­ves our cal­lers on the pho­ne as a fri­end­ly voice. In her pri­va­te life, she enjoys spen­ding time with her hus­band and two daugh­ters on vaca­ti­on or working out at yoga or ballet.

Bastian Schäfer

Bastian Schäfer

Pro­ject Engineer

invol­ved sin­ce 04 | 22

The plan­ning and orga­niza­tio­nal talent with indus­try expe­ri­ence is the link bet­ween all tech­ni­cal par­ties invol­ved in our plant pro­duc­tion and always keeps an eye on deli­very times and pro­cu­re­ment cos­ts. When he’s not rocking out at metal con­certs, he enjoys buil­ding his own tree house with his fami­ly or enjoy­ing fish pael­la from the „Schwen­ker“.

Alexander Uhl

Alexander Uhl

Elec­tro­nics Technician

invol­ved sin­ce 09 | 22

With his strong tech­ni­cal under­stan­ding and exper­ti­se in elec­tri­cal engi­nee­ring, he works for us as an expert in the are­as of soft­ware pro­gramming, plant engi­nee­ring and ser­vice. Tog­e­ther with our engi­neers, he is con­stant­ly working on the fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of our cube and its func­tion­a­li­ties. Alex­an­der can best switch off while hiking in the Alps or play­ing soccer.

Richard Klein

Richard Klein

Pro­ject Engineer

invol­ved sin­ce 07 | 23

The trai­ned indus­tri­al mecha­nic work­ed for many years in the field of lar­ge indus­tri­al plants and enri­ches our team with his exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence in mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring and pro­cess engi­nee­ring. At our com­pa­ny, he sup­ports Cube pro­jects and acts as a link bet­ween cus­to­mers and all tech­ni­cal par­ties invol­ved in our plant pro­duc­tion. In his spa­re time, he enjoys working at his pro­per­ties and also enjoys out­door acti­vi­ties like hiking, clim­bing and fishing.

Marco Graul

Marco Graul

Sales Mana­ger

invol­ved sin­ce 01 | 24

At the begin­ning of his care­er, Mar­co built up a basic tech­ni­cal under­stan­ding in an engi­nee­ring degree cour­se, but quick­ly rea­li­zed that he was drawn to working with peo­p­le and deci­ded to get trai­ned in the hotel and cate­ring indus­try. After working as a Depu­ty Groups Reser­va­ti­on Mana­ger in beau­tiful Kitz­bü­hel, Mar­co retur­ned to the Saar­land and now inspi­res our food­tech cus­to­mers as a sales cont­act. In his free time, he enjoys rea­ding books on per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment and kee­ping fit in the gym.