The development of agriculture

AgriÂculÂtuÂre has chanÂged a lot in recent years. The reasons for this are difÂfeÂrent aspects, which we would like to focus on in the following.
WheÂreÂas in the past many, regioÂnal proÂducts were purchaÂsed in farm stores and speÂcialÂty stores, today’s purchaÂsing behaÂviÂor is chaÂracÂteÂriÂzed by the desiÂre to make food shopÂping as fast as posÂsiÂble. ConÂsuÂmers want to be able to buy all the food they need in one place, usualÂly in larÂge superÂmarÂkets and hyperÂmarÂkets. As a result of this chanÂge, only a few conÂsuÂmers have a conÂcreÂte conÂnecÂtion to agriÂculÂtuÂre and food proÂducÂtion. HoweÂver, the requiÂred voluÂme of goods canÂnot necesÂsÂaÂriÂly be proÂviÂded by small comÂpaÂnies and theÂrÂeÂfoÂre larÂger comÂpaÂnies with huge areÂas of land are increÂasingÂly asserÂting themÂselÂves on the marÂket. The result: mass production.
The conÂseÂquence is that priÂcing poliÂcy has also chanÂged signiÂfiÂcantÂly: The larÂge comÂpaÂnies no lonÂger marÂket their proÂducts themÂselÂves but sell them in larÂge quanÂtiÂties to facÂtoÂries at low priÂces. TheÂre they are proÂcesÂsed into final proÂducts. Many of the remaiÂning small busiÂnesses are forced to sell their goods at low priÂces as well in order to surÂviÂve in comÂpeÂtiÂtiÂon. Often, they get into ecoÂnoÂmic difÂfiÂculÂties as a result.
The topic of export is also important. In recent decaÂdes, GerÂmaÂny has becoÂme the worlÂd’s third larÂgest agriÂculÂtuÂral importer and exportÂer thanks to techÂniÂcal innoÂvaÂtions, digiÂtaÂlizaÂtiÂon and the steÂadiÂly increÂasing speÂciaÂlizaÂtiÂon of agriÂculÂtuÂral opeÂraÂtiÂons. AltÂhough the export of goods is often much more lucraÂtiÂve for the manuÂfacÂtuÂring comÂpaÂnies, it also means that less food is left over for regioÂnal sale at attracÂtiÂve priÂces. Long and enviÂronÂmenÂtalÂly damaÂging transÂport rouÂtes are the result and proÂmoÂte cliÂmaÂte change.
TheÂse trends in agriÂculÂtuÂre lead to anoÂther chanÂge: conÂsuÂmers no lonÂger know wheÂre and how food is actualÂly proÂduÂced. LarÂge-scaÂle proÂducÂtions offer no insight into their proÂducÂtion methods and have notÂhing to do with manuÂal labor. This makes it difÂfiÂcult to underÂstand what exactÂly is proÂcesÂsed in the finisÂhed proÂducts and what ends up on our plaÂtes. Hard supriÂsing that conÂsuÂmers are increÂasingÂly demanÂding inforÂmaÂtiÂon about the oriÂgin and proÂducÂtion of their food. In addiÂtiÂon, within socieÂty the topics of healtÂhy and balanÂced nutÂriÂtiÂon and awaÂreÂness of health and well-being are increÂasingÂly forthÂcoÂming. Mass proÂducÂtion stands in conÂtraÂdicÂtion to this.
With our approach, we want to reverÂse the trend in agriÂculÂtuÂre and focus on regioÂnal proÂducÂtion that is cloÂse to the end conÂsuÂmer and thus proÂviÂdes the conÂsuÂmer with a direct link to the fish as food. In addiÂtiÂon, with the SEAWATER Cube we want to increase the attracÂtiÂveÂness of aquaculÂtuÂre. The sysÂtem proÂviÂdes farÂmers with an opporÂtuÂniÂty for diverÂsiÂfiÂcaÂtiÂon in a small space and with littÂle effort. At the same time, agriÂculÂtuÂral busiÂnesses can marÂket their fish in our conÂcept in a self-deterÂmiÂned way – for examÂpÂle in their own farm store, at the marÂket, via an online store or at restauÂrants in the regiÂon. If requiÂred, we proÂviÂde supÂport for this.
In sumÂmaÂry, our goal is to proÂmoÂte susÂtainable, comÂpeÂtiÂtiÂve agriÂculÂtuÂre and to raiÂse conÂsuÂmer awaÂreÂness of high-quaÂliÂty and regioÂnal food.
Further informationen about the SEAWATER Cube
Check out more facts about our sysÂtem and the technology.
— BunÂdesÂmiÂnisÂteÂriÂum für ErnähÂrung und LandÂwirtÂschaft (BMEL): „LandÂwirtÂschaft verÂsteÂhen. FakÂten und HinÂterÂgrünÂde.“, RefeÂrat 121, Stand: Juli 201
— „Mehr als Fleisch und Milch – womit BauÂern ihr Geld verÂdieÂnen.“; In: AugsÂburÂger AllÂgeÂmeiÂne, 20.01.2017
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