Wel­co­me to the SEAWATER Academy


Our professional training in recirculating technology contains more than 10 years of aquaculture experience into just a few hours. We learned these lessons the hard way so you don’t have to.


Voices of our graduates
Josef Walderdorff
My wife is a fish eco­no­mist and knows freshwa­ter far­ming. We par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the trai­ning to acqui­re addi­tio­nal know­ledge in the field of sea fish and recir­cu­la­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy. We have been working on set­ting up direct mar­ke­ting of agri­cul­tu­ral pro­ducts for some time now. The­r­e­fo­re, I was able to take away espe­ci­al­ly many impul­ses from the theo­ry units on mar­ke­ting and sales.
Josef Walderdorff 
Holz & Feu­er GmbH 
My wife is a fish eco­no­mist and knows freshwa­ter far­ming. We par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the trai­ning to acqui­re addi­tio­nal know­ledge in the field of sea fish and recir­cu­la­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy. We have been working on set­ting up direct mar­ke­ting of agri­cul­tu­ral pro­ducts for some time now. The­r­e­fo­re, I was able to take away espe­ci­al­ly many impul­ses from the theo­ry units on mar­ke­ting and sales.
Josef Walderdorff
Josef Walderdorff 
Holz & Feu­er GmbH 
Tobias Fuchs
I am a bio­tech­no­lo­gist and wan­ted to take away the basics and acqui­re a cer­tain depth in recir­cu­la­ting tech­no­lo­gy. Of the prac­ti­cal topics, I enjoy­ed most the expl­ana­ti­on of the dif­fe­rent com­pon­ents of recir­cu­la­ting sys­tems. The cli­ma­te in the group is very good, ever­yo­ne is super open and we have stay­ed in cont­act bey­ond that to bene­fit from each other’s expe­ri­en­ces in the plant.
Tobi­as Fuchs 
I am a bio­tech­no­lo­gist and wan­ted to take away the basics and acqui­re a cer­tain depth in recir­cu­la­ting tech­no­lo­gy. Of the prac­ti­cal topics, I enjoy­ed most the expl­ana­ti­on of the dif­fe­rent com­pon­ents of recir­cu­la­ting sys­tems. The cli­ma­te in the group is very good, ever­yo­ne is super open and we have stay­ed in cont­act bey­ond that to bene­fit from each other’s expe­ri­en­ces in the plant.
Tobias Fuchs
Tobi­as Fuchs 
Johannes Pasch
I stu­di­ed aquacul­tu­re, but was able to learn a lot from the experts and refresh my know­ledge during the trai­ning. What was most useful to me was the detail­ed intro­duc­tion to the tech­ni­cal pro­ces­ses and the expl­ana­ti­on of how the auto­ma­ti­on works. I espe­ci­al­ly lik­ed the good culina­ry care during the prac­ti­cal week and I like the open-min­ded­ness and fri­end­li­ne­ss of the enti­re team.
Johan­nes Pasch 
I stu­di­ed aquacul­tu­re, but was able to learn a lot from the experts and refresh my know­ledge during the trai­ning. What was most useful to me was the detail­ed intro­duc­tion to the tech­ni­cal pro­ces­ses and the expl­ana­ti­on of how the auto­ma­ti­on works. I espe­ci­al­ly lik­ed the good culina­ry care during the prac­ti­cal week and I like the open-min­ded­ness and fri­end­li­ne­ss of the enti­re team.
Johannes Pasch
Johan­nes Pasch 
Louise Niehues
I had not been in cont­act with the field of fish befo­re and was a real care­er chan­ger. The com­bi­na­ti­on of theo­ry and prac­ti­ce meant that the con­tent stuck very well. The­re were many „aha“ moments during the trai­ning and I felt well pre­pared for the plant ope­ra­ti­on after­wards. The trai­ning real­ly encou­ra­ged me to tack­le the pro­ject of set­ting up my own fish farm in the near future.
Loui­se Niehues 
Nie­hues Landwirtschaftsbetrieb 
I had not been in cont­act with the field of fish befo­re and was a real care­er chan­ger. The com­bi­na­ti­on of theo­ry and prac­ti­ce meant that the con­tent stuck very well. The­re were many „aha“ moments during the trai­ning and I felt well pre­pared for the plant ope­ra­ti­on after­wards. The trai­ning real­ly encou­ra­ged me to tack­le the pro­ject of set­ting up my own fish farm in the near future.
Louise Niehues
Loui­se Niehues 
Nie­hues Landwirtschaftsbetrieb 
Meet the founders
Hey, we are Chris, Caro & Kai

We came into cont­act with fish far­ming during our stu­dies and were fasci­na­ted by the tech­no­lo­gi­cal­ly sophisti­ca­ted recir­cu­la­ting sys­tems. We lear­ned the bio­lo­gi­cal basics from Prof. Uwe Wal­ler and deve­lo­ped the first sys­tems in the laboratory.

The chall­enge was always the com­ple­xi­ty and work inten­si­ty of tho­se sys­tems. Our goal: To pack our lear­nings from many years of deve­lo­p­ment into a soft­ware that incor­po­ra­tes fish know­ledge, con­trols pro­ces­ses on its own, and redu­ces ope­ra­ting cos­ts. In this way, aquacul­tu­re should also beco­me pos­si­ble for newcomers.

In 2018, we built the first ful­ly-auto­ma­ted sea­fi­sh farm, the SEAWATER Cube. Sin­ce then, a lot has happened:

  • We foun­ded a com­pa­ny and now work full time in aquacul­tu­re plant construction.
  • Our pro­to­ty­pe in Saar­brü­cken has been run­ning sta­b­ly for 5 years.
  • In seve­ral trai­ning bat­ches we pas­sed on our know­ledge about recir­cu­la­ti­on technology.

If you are inte­res­ted in envi­ron­men­tal topics and want to learn more about modern fish far­ming, you are at the right place 😉. Scroll down and check our cour­se program.


Prospective farm operators in aquaculture

Learn the basics about indoor faci­li­ties to run your busi­ness effi­ci­ent­ly and successfully. 

Technophil newcomers from other industries

Stu­dy the fish & add to your under­stan­ding of aqua­tic pro­cess engineering.

Fish experts from freshwater & pond farming

Refresh and expand your know­ledge with insights from the high-tech sea­fi­sh sector.


Tech­no­lo­gi­cal­ly sophisti­ca­ted machi­nes requi­re solid pri­or know­ledge to ensu­re smooth ope­ra­ti­on in dai­ly busi­ness. Modern fish farms are equip­ped with the latest con­trol tech­no­lo­gy and run lar­ge­ly ful­ly auto­ma­ted. Howe­ver, future „aquacul­tur­ists“ are well advi­sed to acqui­re a basic know­ledge of the tech­no­lo­gy and rea­ring of fish in advan­ce. The trai­ning cour­se in recir­cu­la­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy fami­lia­ri­zes you with recir­cu­la­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy and pre­pa­res you ide­al­ly for the ope­ra­ti­on of a com­pact aquacul­tu­re system.

Download training schedule

Live insight to watch
 gelös­ten  Der SEAWATER Cube umfasst neben dem Pro­duk­ti­ons­be­cken meh­re­re phy­si­ka­li­sche und bio­lo­gi­sche Fil­ter­stu­fen, wel­che alle par­ti­ku­lä­ren und gelös­ten Rest­stof­fe aus dem Pro­zess­was­ser rück­stands­los entfernen.


In 5 online units you will learn under­stan­da­ble basics from bio­lo­gy, che­mis­try, mecha­nics and phy­sics. After­wards, you will know how recir­cu­la­ti­on sys­tems work and what fish need to live. The theo­ry takes place in the after­noon, so you can easi­ly inte­gra­te it into your dai­ly work


Theo­ry is fol­lo­wed by one week of full-time prac­ti­cal trai­ning at our site in Saar­brü­cken. Here you will go through all the work that is invol­ved in run­ning a fish farm, from fil­ling up feed to fishing. After the week, you will be able to ana­ly­ze water samples, weigh fish and cut clean fillets.


After suc­cessful com­ple­ti­on, you will not only recei­ve a strong hand­shake, but also a cer­ti­fi­ca­te of gra­dua­ti­on. With this you can pro­ve to aut­ho­ri­ties and fun­ding agen­ci­es that you are qua­li­fied to run an aquacul­tu­re business.


So that you can con­cen­tra­te ful­ly on the trai­ning con­tent, we will make the hotel reser­va­tions for you and take care of your meals during the day. This is alre­a­dy included in the pri­ce. The only thing you have to orga­ni­ze is your tra­vel.



Curr­ent­ly we are plan­ning the first batch in Eng­lish. Plea­se fill in the form below and we will inform you as soon as the dates are fixed.


Our cour­se is not taught by just anyo­ne, but by lea­ders in their respec­ti­ve fields. They have many years of expe­ri­ence in imple­men­ting fish far­ming pro­jects and in-depth know­ledge of fish bio­lo­gy, water che­mis­try, far­ming tech­ni­ques, pro­ces­sing and busi­ness manage­ment. In the trai­ning cour­se they share their exper­ti­se and help you to suc­cessful­ly imple­ment your project.



The fol­lo­wing ser­vices are included in the 📚 trai­ning package:
  • Core cur­ri­cu­lum: Access to 25+ hours of aquacul­tu­re rela­ted material.
  • 2 Bonus Modu­les: 3 hours of extra lec­tu­re on busi­ness set­up, mar­ke­ting, pri­cing and sales
  • Life­time access: To the trai­ning materials
  • Excel tools: For cal­cu­la­ting growth cur­ve and mea­su­red values
  • Docu­ment pack: All about farm ope­ra­ti­ons with pro­to­cols, check­lists, tem­pla­tes and manuals
  • Net­wor­king: Get in touch with our experts and meet like-min­ded people
  • Accom­mo­da­ti­on: In an upper midd­le class hotel during the prac­ti­cal week incl. breakfast
  • On-site cate­ring: Lunch and snacks during the prac­ti­ce week
The tra­vel 🚅 to the prac­ti­ce week is to be orga­ni­zed and paid by yourself.
12 PAYS of

349 €


6 PAYS of

629 €


Single payment

3499 €
