Have you had enough of always investing in barns, real estate or stocks?
Then SEAWATER is just the right thing for you! It only takes a few hours of your time to disÂcuss everÂyÂthing. We take care of the rest. In a total of 7 steps you will get your reaÂdy instalÂled fish farm.
1. Initial call
We get to know each other in a 30-minuÂte video call and claÂriÂfy initiÂal questions.
2. Detailed discussion
We check togÂeÂther with the help of a detailÂed Excel calÂcuÂlaÂtiÂon wheÂther fish farÂming is proÂfiÂtaÂble for you.
3. Plant tour on site
You will disÂcoÂver the Cube live with all your senÂses and tasÂte the SEAWATER Fish.
4. Site visit at your location
You show us your site and receiÂve advice regarÂding instalÂlaÂtiÂon, infraÂstrucÂtuÂre and marketing.
5. Proposal
You get an indiÂviÂduÂal proÂject planÂning for your busiÂness case.
6. Authority applications
We take care of techÂniÂcal draÂwings, builÂding perÂmits and subÂsiÂdies for you.
7. Installation
Within 2 days we assemÂble the sysÂtem on site and you can start!
Completely carefree… get it!
You don’t have to start from scratch when it comes to marÂkeÂting and perÂsonÂnel manageÂment. For maxiÂmum time effiÂciÂenÂcy in theÂse areÂas, our bonus serÂvices are just what you need. In crisp workÂshops, we work togÂeÂther to deveÂlop your straÂteÂgies for sucÂcess and you get access to temÂplaÂtes, manuÂals and checkÂlists for optiÂmiÂzed proÂcesÂses.
Marketing (optional)
WheÂther it’s an onlineÂshop, branÂding or setÂting up suiÂtaÂble sales chanÂnels. We have indusÂtry expeÂriÂence, proÂven conÂcepts and the right serÂvice proÂviÂders for impleÂmenÂtaÂtiÂon. So you save time and becoÂme sucÂcessful in builÂding your own fish brand.
Recruitment (optional)
A larÂge netÂwork and contÂacts to traiÂned fish farÂmers – you get excluÂsiÂve access to this. We take care of job posÂtings, appliÂcant screeÂnings and initiÂal interÂviews. This is how you can quickÂly and easiÂly find quaÂliÂfied perÂsonÂnel for your plant operation.
You don’t want to waste time and collect more information directly?
Book an appointÂment directÂly for an initiÂal perÂsoÂnal exchÂanÂge and learn more about the faciÂliÂty, opeÂraÂtioÂnal proÂceÂduÂres and how your fish farÂming busiÂness could pay off.

We know babÂbÂle, know-it-alls and dream castÂles. But all that is just a wasÂte of time and doesÂn’t move the world forward.
With SEAWATER you will expeÂriÂence the comÂpleÂte oppoÂsiÂte. You will not only work with us on topics that inspiÂre and have real impact. AboÂve all, your time and demands are highÂly valued here. You will expeÂriÂence an intelÂliÂgent and open exchÂanÂge at eye level. You will have appointÂments that comÂbiÂne experÂtiÂse with effiÂciÂenÂcy and deterÂmiÂnaÂtion. It will be a colÂlaÂboÂraÂtiÂon that proÂduÂces visiÂble results and is fun.
Already in the past we have shown that we prefer to bring topics to the street than to talk a lot.
We are not just a startÂup, we live it. Let our comÂpeÂtent and dynaÂmic team inspiÂre you.
Dear Entrepreneurs
& Investors
With the SEAWATER Cube you finalÂly bring more varieÂty into your portÂfoÂlio and optiÂmiÂze your penÂsiÂon plan.

Wider risk diversification
With a SEAWATER investÂment you diverÂsiÂfy your portÂfoÂlio and comÂbiÂne valuable hardÂware proÂducÂtion techÂnoÂloÂgy with exisÂting busiÂness pillars.

More stability
Fish is a stapÂle food and is also conÂsuÂmed during panÂdeÂmics and wars. With a SEAWATER investÂment you invest staÂble and criÂsis-proÂof.

More reasonable use
The Cube puts unuÂsed space to a new use. In this way, your proÂperÂty quickÂly and easiÂly geneÂraÂtes ongoÂing incoÂme.

Better conscience
With aquaculÂtuÂre, you free yoursÂelf from proÂjects with negaÂtiÂve conÂnoÂtaÂtiÂons and rely on clean-tech that your childÂren will also find innoÂvaÂtiÂve.