with only 7 days time investment


Have you had enough of always investing in barns, real estate or stocks?

Then SEAWATER is just the right thing for you! It only takes a few hours of your time to dis­cuss ever­y­thing. We take care of the rest. In a total of 7 steps you will get your rea­dy instal­led fish farm.

1. Initial call

We get to know each other in a 30-minu­te video call and cla­ri­fy initi­al questions.

2. Detailed discussion

We check tog­e­ther with the help of a detail­ed Excel cal­cu­la­ti­on whe­ther fish far­ming is pro­fi­ta­ble for you.

3. Plant tour on site

You will dis­co­ver the Cube live with all your sen­ses and tas­te the SEAWATER Fish.

4. Site visit at your location

You show us your site and recei­ve advice regar­ding instal­la­ti­on, infra­struc­tu­re and marketing.

5. Proposal

You get an indi­vi­du­al pro­ject plan­ning for your busi­ness case.

6. Authority applications

We take care of tech­ni­cal dra­wings, buil­ding per­mits and sub­si­dies for you.

7. Installation

Within 2 days we assem­ble the sys­tem on site and you can start!


Completely carefree… get it!

You don’t have to start from scratch when it comes to mar­ke­ting and per­son­nel manage­ment. For maxi­mum time effi­ci­en­cy in the­se are­as, our bonus ser­vices are just what you need. In crisp work­shops, we work tog­e­ther to deve­lop your stra­te­gies for suc­cess and you get access to tem­pla­tes, manu­als and check­lists for opti­mi­zed pro­ces­ses.

Marketing (optional)

Whe­ther it’s an online­shop, bran­ding or set­ting up sui­ta­ble sales chan­nels. We have indus­try expe­ri­ence, pro­ven con­cepts and the right ser­vice pro­vi­ders for imple­men­ta­ti­on. So you save time and beco­me suc­cessful in buil­ding your own fish brand.

Recruitment (optional)

A lar­ge net­work and cont­acts to trai­ned fish far­mers – you get exclu­si­ve access to this. We take care of job pos­tings, appli­cant scree­nings and initi­al inter­views. This is how you can quick­ly and easi­ly find qua­li­fied per­son­nel for your plant operation. 


You don’t want to waste time and collect more information directly?

Book an appoint­ment direct­ly for an initi­al per­so­nal exch­an­ge and learn more about the faci­li­ty, ope­ra­tio­nal pro­ce­du­res and how your fish far­ming busi­ness could pay off.


We know bab­b­le, know-it-alls and dream cast­les. But all that is just a was­te of time and does­n’t move the world forward.

With SEAWATER you will expe­ri­ence the com­ple­te oppo­si­te. You will not only work with us on topics that inspi­re and have real impact. Abo­ve all, your time and demands are high­ly valued here. You will expe­ri­ence an intel­li­gent and open exch­an­ge at eye level. You will have appoint­ments that com­bi­ne exper­ti­se with effi­ci­en­cy and deter­mi­na­tion. It will be a col­la­bo­ra­ti­on that pro­du­ces visi­ble results and is fun.


Already in the past we have shown that we prefer to bring topics to the street than to talk a lot.


We are not just a start­up, we live it. Let our com­pe­tent and dyna­mic team inspi­re you.

Dear Entrepreneurs
& Investors

With the SEAWATER Cube you final­ly bring more varie­ty into your port­fo­lio and opti­mi­ze your pen­si­on plan.

 gelös­ten  Der SEAWATER Cube umfasst neben dem Pro­duk­ti­ons­be­cken meh­re­re phy­si­ka­li­sche und bio­lo­gi­sche Fil­ter­stu­fen, wel­che alle par­ti­ku­lä­ren und gelös­ten Rest­stof­fe aus dem Pro­zess­was­ser rück­stands­los entfernen.

Wider risk diversification

With a SEAWATER invest­ment you diver­si­fy your port­fo­lio and com­bi­ne valuable hard­ware pro­duc­tion tech­no­lo­gy with exis­ting busi­ness pillars.


More stability

Fish is a stap­le food and is also con­su­med during pan­de­mics and wars. With a SEAWATER invest­ment you invest sta­ble and cri­sis-pro­of.


More reasonable use

The Cube puts unu­sed space to a new use. In this way, your pro­per­ty quick­ly and easi­ly gene­ra­tes ongo­ing inco­me.


Better conscience

With aquacul­tu­re, you free yours­elf from pro­jects with nega­ti­ve con­no­ta­ti­ons and rely on clean-tech that your child­ren will also find inno­va­ti­ve.


Here is the right medium for everyone!

You like to make phone calls? Just call: +49 681 / 761 68 220
If you prefer to write an e‑mail, please send it to: